In the spring of 2020, I was asked to create a piece of art for the new Kindertransport Chapel at Mizpah Congregation in Chattanooga, TN. In honor of those who were saved by the Jewish Community and the Kindertransport before the Nazi’s took over.
Working with clay and under a time constraint to create this piece, I decided to produce 3 wall sculptures of the same piece, each being unique, in case one of the pieces when fired in the kiln happened to break due to the drying and firing process. This made sure I met the timeline in case the sculpture broke during this process. It turned out that all 3 sculptures made it thought the firing process.
I was given these words below by the donor family whose mother was saved by the Kindertransport to use for inspiration:
Mothers’ and Fathers’, hearts heavy with the knowledge that their “kinder” many one day be the only “seed” to carry forward their memory and their families’ legacy.
“From those tiny seeds, have grown trees.
Each generation giving life to roots, branches, and leaves honoring those that were lost but who never will be forgotten.”
One of the “Tree of Life” sculpture is on permanent display in the Kindertransport Chapel at Mizpah Congregation in Chattanooga, TN. The other is was actioned off in an ORT South Africa auction where funds went to support the ORT’s International Cooperation Programs for Women Refugees, and the third is in the artist personal collection.
“Tree of Life” Mizpah Congregation, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Kindertransport Chapel
Origins, 2022 Ceramic $600
Tree of Life Series Ceramic 12 x 11 in $800